Augmented Reality Cargo (ARC)


An XR (AR, MR, VR) training platform to help increase the safety, proficiency and efficiency of Aircrew Member training.

Augmented Reality Cargo (ARC) is an early stage XR tech startup I founded and received seed funding during the summer of 2018 through NYC MEDIA LAB. It was a passion project turned start-up from my direct experience as a prior aviator in the Air Force. ARC was designed to train aircrew-members on proper cargo loading operations, avionics, and emergency procedures through the use of extended reality simulation.


my role

As a founder I played many roles starting from the ideation, concept, and development of 3D designs, UX/UI/XR user-flows, prototypes, user-testing, to developing a business model, presentations to potential stakeholders, and market research. Lastly I conducted over 100+ interviews with industry experts to validate the use case of XR in aircrew-member training.


The Problem

Aircrew-member training costs millions of dollars and also requires a lot planning just to get a few hours of training completed. Issues stem from the limited availability of assets such as having access to aircraft, physical cargo, teachers, and the time needed to get an aviator through the training pipeline.

Aircrew training on KC-10 Cargo loading trainer Mock aircraft pictured on the left and cargo loader on the right.

Aircrew training on KC-10 Cargo loading trainer Mock aircraft pictured on the left and cargo loader on the right.


Prototype 1 (Virtual Reality Use-case)

Aircraft & Cargo familiarization

The Virtual reality prototype allowed me to create a more immersive experience for the user. VR training would allow aircrew-members to fully immerse themselves inside of a virtual aircraft where they could practice utilizing aircraft systems, emergency procedures, and loading virtual cargo in a controlled environment without the risk of damaging an aircraft during the process. This VR MVP allowed users to walk through the fuselage of a KC-10 aircraft and preview mock cargo within the cargo bay. Additionally, users would have access to a variety of cargo assets that they could practice with within the limits of the KC-10 Aircraft.

Utilizing a KC-10 Checklist to deploy a virtual emergency door by going through the virtual checklist per KC-1

Utilizing a KC-10 Checklist to deploy a virtual emergency door by going through the virtual checklist per KC-10 rregulations


Emergency Procedures

In an operational environment such as flight it is important to execute proper procedures to avoid any damage to operational equipment and to prevent any loss of life.

Emergency procedures have very strict flow that aviators must abide by and not deviate from. However, a lot of these procedures are presented in 2D visual formats which do not give you the same immersion that these systems give you back in the real world.

XR allows aviators to rehearse procedures and go through the actual flow of interacting with virtual systems using their bodies to reach and touch.

C5-Loadmaster user testing on C5-Super Galaxy Airrcraft

C5-Loadmaster user testing on C5-Super Galaxy Airrcraft


Prototype 2 (Augmented Reality)

The aim of this prototype was to empower aircrew-member with augmented and interactive training on their EFB (Electronic Flight Bag); a required device to fly with. By doing this aircrew-members would have access to more interactive training outside of traditional 2D graphs and content that would help them become familiar with their aircraft and cargo in real-time